A lot of people own dogs in California. There are even dog-friendly beaches throughout the state where owners are permitted to allow their pets to play. If a dog bites someone, its owner or handler may be financially responsible for damages in certain circumstances....
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Dog Bites
5 signs that dog bites might be imminent
California dog owners must comply with leash laws and do what they can to protect others from their dogs when visiting or out in public, such as at a local park. Some breeds of dogs are naturally more aggressive than others. However, most dogs will exhibit certain...
Neighbor’s dog attacked elderly woman
California dog owners, like those in other states, must adhere to leash laws, as well as any other regulations that are relevant to keeping a dog as a pet. In this state, there are laws that prohibit dog owners from allowing their pets to run free on a public street...
What are the most aggressive breeds of dogs?
Like many California residents, you might have a fur friend as a member of your household. Then again, perhaps you don’t like to be around dogs. Chances are, however, you’ll encounter a dog at some point in life, either as someone else’s pet or a stray animal that...
USPS postal carriers at risk of life-threatening dog bites
Dogs have an instinct to protect their owners and their territories -- instincts that put the safety of USPS postal carriers at risk. With people working from home, dogs are even more protective during the daytime, which is when postal carriers in California and...
Large breeds can inflict dangerous dog bites
Owners of large dogs should know they have a special responsibility to keep their animals under control. While a large dog may have no history of aggression, all animals can be unpredictable and, in a moment of fear or panic, may cause tremendous damage with a single...
Most victims of California dog bites can seek accountability
Many people do not understand how damaging and traumatizing a dog bite can be. But they likely have never suffered a dog bite, witnessed one, or have owned a dog that attacked somebody. There is no mistaking the long-term effects. Each state chooses its laws on...